Large Extension
Permitted Development Rights are your legal rights to alter your property under certain criteria. This is made clear in my blog What is Permitted Development?

However, the government has recently relaxed the rules on what is permissible, in order to encourage more home improvement and keep the local construction sector growing. The Prior Approval for the Larger Home Extension: Neighbour Consultation Scheme is one such measure. It came into force in May 2013 and allows a Detached house to be extended to eight (8) metres when ordinarily only four (4) metres was permissible. Additionally for any other Dwelling House to be extended to six (6) metres when ordinarily only three (3) metres was permissible. This temporary relaxation to the rules of Single Storey Rear Extensions was due to expire on 30th May 2016, but was recently extended to 30th May 2019. There is even speculation that the relaxation may be made permanent.
A home owner wishing to take part in the scheme must first notify the local planning authority by providing drawings of the proposal, illustrating the proposed lengths and heights in relation to the original house. In addition, the addresses of all the adjoining neighbours need to be provided as each will be contacted as part of the programme. This is why it pays to be on good terms with your neighbours, for once they object, the relaxed rules are waived, and the local planning authority then applies the normal criteria and planning policy for that jurisdiction. As in my blog on Permitted Development, the criteria for Full Planning Permission is a much more onerous process, however the proposal must comply with all the normal conditions of the Permitted Development criteria.

There is no fee for this new scheme, and the proposal is considered legal if no objections are lodged within the specified time of the total 42-day determination period. Neighbours have a minimum of 21 days to object, and if the approval is refused, the developer may appeal. At the end of the process the local planning authority can the write awarding a Certificate of Lawful Development to the home owner, thus confirming its legal status. To benefit from this scheme, the development must be completed by 30th May 2019.
Get in touch with us at Greenway Associates call us on 01737 652737.
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