Making A Splash
Making A Splash
It’s only June and the mercury is hitting incredible heights of the early to mid 30s in some parts of the UK already. It makes any dreams you may have harbored of owning a swimming pool look all the more tempting. So this week our blog aims to give you the lowdown on the basics of whether a pool really is achievable:
- Where? – First and arguably the most obvious question is where to put it. If you are considering an outdoor pool, think about how much you will use it over the course of the year as a whole. Also, the potential impact on resale value of your home – research shows that outdoor pools actually devalue a property as people budget to remove them.

- Do I need planning permission? – Outdoor pools generally won’t need permission unless the house is located in a Designated Area or is Listed. An indoor pool may need permission unless it falls under Permitted Development. We’ll be happy to help you if you want clarity on your own specific situation.
- What size? – As well as being a question of how much space is available, you need to consider heating costs. The amount of energy required to keep the water warm is significant and obviously the bigger the pool is, the more energy will be required.
- Maintenance – Running costs are typically £5 per day in summer and £10 perday in winter, plus any repair costs. This being the modern age, there are apps to help you monitor pH and temperature levels and you can buy automatic dosing systems if you’d prefer to avoid the cost of a maintenance company.
- Safety – most pools now are fitted with a safety cover. They aren’t cheap at around £10,000 but obviously can save a life. Plus they do actually protect from dirt and help keep in the heat.

Here at Greenway Associates we have over 24 years’ experience, and work hard to keep abreast with the best in design technology and planning policy. Whatever you are looking for, please get in touch for more advice, at Greenway Associates or call us on 01737 652 737.
At Greenway Associates, we have completed over 2,000 architectural design projects