Simplify Summer Part 2
Simplify Summer Part 2
Simplify Summer Part 2
This week we are continuing to look at ways to keep your home running as efficiently as possible during this tricky second half of the school summer holidays, when tempers can be wearing thin!
Toy storage – if you have children of the age where they still have toys, by now they are likely to be taking over the house. This is a great point in time to get everyone involved in doing a clear out. You can donate to charity, make way for the imminent gifts from Father Christmas (apologies for that reminder) and / or get selling to make a bit of profit. Whatever route you take there is some useful learning for the kids to glean and you get to restore order to a bit of your home.

- Bathrooms – the bathroom can easily become a bone of contention during the holidays. Perhaps you only have one bathroom and the toilet is in the same room, or your children are taking too long now there is no pressure to get out of the door to school. Now can be a good time to teach them how to clean the bathroom properly and to sit down as a family and agree some ground rules to help avoid arguments.

- It may be that having everyone home for the summer has got you thinking that you really do need to make more of your space. Whether its adding an extension for that “dreamed of playroom” or second bathroom, looking at a loft conversion or anything else. Ddo get in touch if you’d like some more advice on 01737 652737.Here at Greenway Associates we have over 24 years’ experience, and work hard to keep abreast with the best in design technology and planning policy. Whatever you are looking for, please get in touch for more advice, at Greenway Associates or call us on 01737 652 737.
At Greenway Associates, we have completed over 2,000 architectural design projects