Time To Spring Clean – Part 2

Time To Spring Clean – Part 2

Last week I broke the unwelcome news that it was time to start spring cleaning your home. Are you still hiding under the duvet? Come on out, it will be worth it, I promise. Check out last week’s blog to catch up, but here are some more advanced tips to get your home looking a cut above the rest :

  1. Pillows and duvets – nobody would question the need to change bedding, but for some reason these often get overlooked. These are not actually self-cleaning. Please check the label, some can go in your machine, others need dry-cleaning (and large ones will need to go to a launderette for size reasons)
  1. Mattress – As well as regularly flipping and rotating your mattress, make sure you have used the tools from your vacuum cleaner to clean the surface and sides. Upholstery cleaner can be used for tackling any stainspots.
  2. Spot clean your painted walls to keep the same looking fresh using a cloth or sponge and water. For tough spots add a drop of mild washing-up liquid.
  3. Get that oven sparkling – there is now a whole host of oven cleaning products so you can choose what works best for you. You can buy kits, you can use baking soda, vinegar and elbow grease…or you can hire somebody else to do it for you!
  4. Clean out vents – heating, air conditioning and extractor fan vents are prime culprits for collecting ugly looking fluff and circulating dust. Give them a thorough clean.

Is your home looking brighter yet? Are you feeling better for all your hard work? I hope so!

Here at Greenway Associates we have over 23 years’ experience, and work hard to keep abreast with the best in design technology and planning policy. Whatever you are looking for, please get in touch for more advice at Greenway Associates or call us on 01737 652737.

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